Saturday, August 28, 2010

today, i finally learned how to use the remote for my camera.

yes, i have one camera. with one lens.

and this remote thing has been in my possession, for several months. i just didn't understand how to use it, and i'm not great with change. also, i thought it wasn't much different than setting the camera to auto, so i didn't see the point.

i was wrong.

great little device.

now, i can actually prove i have two breasts, without enlisting the help of another photographer *s

that is a difficult feat, when shooting handheld, i'll have you know.

so: mark this as a day of freedom.

and: the babe starts kindergarten on monday.

who knows what sorts of trouble i might find . . .

shouts out to joe mario, who contacted me tonight, looking for a new shoot—and giving me the honey i needed to finish my own shoot. i do adore you, mr. mario, mm hmm.

my first self-portrait (look, no hands!) from the remote is on flickr (but you can't see it, unless you have a free flickr account, set to moderate . . . cuz, yeah, there are breasts involved *s).


happy days,


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