Tuesday, February 22, 2011

covert operations? no. just site overhaul.

I am not typically a proponent of working behind clouds of secrecy—so, when I tell you my site got buggy in a way approximating plague, and I thus had to pull the index page, I'm being only slightly hyperbolic.

I urge you to permit me add (please . . . I'm cranky, and am compelled to vent): I upgraded; reinstalled; and performed three clean re-installations of two different applications, before my website and I were even close to speaking terms. WTF. There were also some not even slightly amusing travails, involving . . . okay, I won't geek it terribly . . .

The end result is a completely redesigned and restructured site.


Mm. As am I.

I've already been told the new look is "masculine."

(this is me, sliding my eyes sideways . . .)

Of course, Lyssie thinks it's fab, so what else matters? *s

Erm, other than the fact that I love it, mm hmm.

Bold. Minimal. A little edgy.

Not unlike a woman who hasn't slept in several days . . .

          and is expecting her eldest daughter and her most long-term ex to arrive, in the morning.

Did I mention my spectacles are broken?

Yeah: I'm operating all this madness, while holding one finger against the bridge of my nose, in an effort to keep the spiky metal thing from rendering me Woman of One Eye.

Feelin' hella sexy,
