Thursday, September 17, 2009

Website Update!

Been a minute, because I've been doing the daily grind over there at flickr (where, if you're not a member, you can't see most of my works, cuz they're set to "moderate" or "restricted," mm hmm, but I've finally got my act together, and redesigned my website (where you can see everything). Ta da!

There's a new front page, too.

Okay, so the Claiming Masculinity galleries are down, for the moment. You all will have to let me know how you feel, about that. Over the last year, I've been talking with all of you, and there have been so many changes, I'm leaning toward a whole new set of everybody (not just you, Big Daddy Dre *s).

Meanwhile, I've been photographing femmes. Yup, you heard right. So y'all masculine types can rush over to my galleries, and let me know what you think of the new works.

And most of the recent models have been coming to me to heal trauma. This has evolved into a portfolio I'm calling The Art of Scars. Hey, we've all got scars, whether visible or not. Photographing the beauty of survival is part of the wonder of my work.

And . . . are you wondering . . . is the rumor true: did Emmanuela break ranks with the butch-femme dance? Let me put it this way: I've never been one for "ranks" and, if you've been paying any attention to me at all, over the last several years, you know that's right. What does it even mean, to pay allegiance to one form of loving over another? I was the girl who said butch on butch is hot, hot, hot . . . remember? *s

So, yeah . . . it's true: I fell for one of those women who don't quite identify as "butch." Neither does she identify as "femme." There are still some regions of the world where those markers just don't make any sense, for the citizenry. What're ya gonna do.

I'm happy, and I'm still me. Now, as to whether I'm still seeing that one, let the rumors fly . . . *s
