Monday, January 14, 2008

Updates 2008

Recent Press

An editor at Gay Lifestyles Monthly solicited an article from me about the Claiming Masculinity Project. While I've not been successful, as of this writing, in getting the kind people over there to correct the names meant to be attached to the second set of images, the general responses from readers have been positive.

Special shouts out to TJ Fleming and Renair Amin, both of whom read drafts of the article, and helped me determine how to shape the work.

To all project participants: thank you for engaging in a discussion of the article.

Good News for Project Continuation

A kind and wise butch over at, Linus, helped me through the quagmire that has been my slow as molasses computer. I've had tremendous difficulty processing the hoards of photos I take for the project. Linus offered several excellent suggestions . . . as a result of mulling over the advice, I am now the Very Proud Owner of a new iMac (woo!).

My gratitude to Linus, who will be joining the Claiming Masculinity Project in the very near future *s

A Note to Shuggita and All Femmes

Of course I still do sessions with femmes *s Please feel free to contact me, if you'd like to be photographed for my Femme Gallery.

And Congratulations to PJ Whitt

Our Claiming Masculinity project director, herself a fine butch photographer, now has her own gallery, on the Dust Jacket site. Check out The Photography of PJ Whitt.

Final Words

Thanks to everyone for your continued interest and support of this project. I'll be deep in the grant cycle, for the coming weeks, while processing the photos from the last three sessions. Check back for updates.

Peace and love,
