Sunday, August 15, 2010

the intrusion of possibility into circumstance . . .

Word is in: no cancellation for the shoot, tomorrow, so I need to do laundry; plan the concepts, sets, and props; and perhaps eat? Ay . . .

Fortunately, assistant PJ will be here (sans child, thank all good things), to help prep, and to act as Prop Master and Wardrobe Assistant. Life is not too bad . . .

And I have the mighty pleasure of visiting with Talib. Y'all won't recognize him (which, of course, is the point of transitioning, to some extent *s).

It is 1:06 a.m., Eastern Time, and a woman is screeching . . . in my forest. My property literally abuts State Forest Land, so one doesn't live any more "in the forest" than do I. Generally, this is safe harbor. I hear the nightly chorus of frogs and crickets. Strange, the intrusion of a human voice.

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