Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Claiming Masculinity Open Call!

My site is continuing to evolve . . .

Claiming Masculinity has a new Open Call, complete with a flash movie.

My galleries, too, are now presented as music videos. I like this style, because I'm epileptic, and the lightbox presentation requires too much popping of things at me *s

I do see one small technical problem with the current version of the movies: the user can stop the presentation, to view individual photos but restarting means going back to the very beginning of the show, rather than continuing from where the user was previously viewing. Okay, so I'll work on that . . . after I get some sleep . . . *s

Give me a shout out, to let me know what you like and don't like, about the current design of the site.

I'm already hearing a lot of feedback about the changed Claiming Masculinity galleries.

Here's the deal: I have so much work held in archive, I simply cannot continue to present everything on my site. I'm trying to find a viable way to show what I do, without overwhelming the new viewers. I know participants were attached to the Claiming Masculinity archives, but I have to keep producing and displaying new works.

Already, I've purchased a new domain, to allow the Standards journal to flourish, without my photography in the way. I never expected my little photos to take up this much space, honestly . . .

I'll keep my works on the dustjacketpress server, during the transition (no, not that kind of transition *s), so no one gets lost.

In the meantime, I'll be thinking of ways to show all of my works, while still handling the costs, and feeding the babe. Ay.

Hey, and check out the new Art of Scars works. Let me know what you think.

My gratitude to all of you. Thanks for keeping up with me—and especially for letting me know about things like broken links and special requests. I'm glad the site means something to our communities. De veras.



LostBoiTJ said...

Miss Emmanuela,
Last time I saw your camera lens I was wrapped in leather at your home in Boulder. Lost touch with you my dear...Where are you?
Lost Boi TJ at google

Emmanuela de León said...

Hey TJ *s

I'm right here . . . in the forest, other side of the country.

If that's your email address, I'll send you a note soon. I'm about to do a shoot . . .

And oh yes, clad in leather you were . . . *s

