Saturday, September 29, 2007

Autumn Begins

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year . . . now that I know what it is to experience the changing seasons *s Growing up in Southern California didn't afford me much information about that, though I recall the "winter" trips to the low mountains, where deciduous trees did attempt a bit of a show.

While I don't love tourists, I confess I can almost understand why people want to make the drive up here to the forest where I now live: it's almost an impressionistic painting of color. My little one recently asked, in fact, whether someone painted the leaves *s Hey, she's not quite three; this is her first year really noticing . . .

So, new season, new updates.

Firstly, I can't see continuing to look at taking a new job at this time of year. There's just too much stress. So, I'm going to reconsider that again in the Spring.

Meanwhile, grant cycles will be hitting deadlines. To date, PJ Whitt and I have been funding the Claiming Masculinity project out of pocket—including all equipment and travel. This is beyond the fact that I do the sessions at no cost. When I initially conceived of this project, I had no idea there would be such tremendous interest. By the time I was scrambling for funds, the grant cycles were closed. I was new to the East Coast last year, and hardly even knew where to begin to look for grants out here. It is imperative, now, that I submit strong proposals, demonstrating the worth of this project.

In one sense, it's good that I had to wait three quarters of a year: now I have a good start on a portfolio of photographs to show.

Hey, so, if anyone has any ideas about funding opportunities, hit me up *s

That will take most of my time from December through March.

My other job has simultaneous deadlines. I'm trying very hard not to be stressed about that.

As I work and communicate more extensively with project participants, I'm learning that I need be very clear about a few things.

I think it's fair to say now that I'm not up for scheduling with anyone who cancels twice without extremely good cause. There are just too many participants waiting to be scheduled. So be sure you're clear about your calendar, if you book with me. Remember: I home office all week, to be with my little one, so I'm limited to scheduling photography sessions on the weekends. If you cancel, I may not have time to fill that slot. It's just poor planning for the project, all the way around. Let's be mindful of one another, please.

Also, keep in mind that, while I'm photographing models for Claiming Masculinity at no charge, I can't shoot a lot of photos unrelated to the project for free. I'll go broke, doing that . . . and really, you want me home as soon as possible, processing your images for public view. If you really need me to photograph other things unrelated to the project, please contact me to schedule a different time and to discuss fees.

Thus far, things are going great. We're getting good press. I'm forming friendships with a good many of my models.

I didn't expect this. I want to remind you all that this is not my project; it's our project.

For that, I am deeply grateful.



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