Friday, October 5, 2007

Excitement: Thrills and Chills *s

I'm delighted to announce I've found the cover photo for the Claiming Masculinity press kit and grant application materials. Yes, you read right: there's a Cover Boi in town (but I'm not releasing names, just yet) *s

As goes press, we're excited to have the opportunity to partner with the wise and resourceful Pmyner Ltd., led by our fabulous Renair Amin. This is the kind of sponsorship any project would be thrilled to have; Renair can stir up some serious attention *s

The editor who first solicited my photography for that other magazine has left her post, and I've been asked to send images to the new person in charge. We'll see how that goes; cross your fingers . . .

More things are brewing. Check back for updates.


And Speaking of Out of Whack

There was always going to be that first photo session that just did not, could not work, for one reason or another.

So far, we've successfully moved ahead, with bad lighting, cramped quarters, new cameras, new equipment, long and crazed drives all over the East Coast . . . and still have managed to not only create some wonderful portfolios, but establish enduring friendships, as well.

The Absolute Wrong Mix finally got us, and there's no pretending a portfolio will come of that.

I'm going to be spending more time listening to all of you . . . and to myself. There are indicators for these types of situations, and I know them well. As I state on my Open Call page: if you and I don't get along well, we're not going to create a good shoot. This is why I reserve the right to refuse to work with anyone.

For purposes of greater focus and clarity with each participant, I'm also changing several of the project guidelines . . .

I'll be working with individuals first. Later, if you want to add a couple or family session, we can schedule that as calendars and energy allow. First, though, I want to know and see you.

The previous terms of agreement have been changed, too. If you haven't visited my site in a while, and are planning to be a part of the project, please read the Open Call page again.

Thanks to everyone who has seen me through the recent shifts to the project. Much love to each of you.


Balance Returns

This has been Recovery Week. After ten days or so of annoyances and frustrations, we are moving into balance.

I took a notion to install a new OS. Pretty brave, given that I've always been the girl who calls a guy *s But it's just a disk, after all. How hard could it be?

Turns out, one is meant to install additional RAM, when upgrading the OS. I was unaware. My sluggish, unhappy computer made instant complaints.

A mountaintop in the forest isn't the best place to find computer stuff. After the wrong thing had been purchased and returned, it was a week's wait for memory. Sigh.

Meanwhile, my site disappeared. More fun with computers, phone, and other gadgets.

Somewhere in there, I decided to order more cable television channels for the little one. She's already memorized everything on PBS, and we're looking forward to another long cold season. I thought she might like different kinds of children's programming. Along the way, I learned that our current company does, indeed, offer cable high-speed internet connectivity. So I ordered that, too.

My site reappeared yesterday. Felicidades.

Also yesterday, high-speed internet connectivity appeared.

Today, the long-awaited RAM.

Three definitive cheers.

My computer is still buggy as hell. I long for the days when I could call a geek, make a fabulous dinner, and have a perfect machine in exchange. Ah well.

Things don't always work or blend as we'd like.

Balance returns.
